Student Council
The Student Council is made up of two representatives from each class group from First, Second and Third year. There are also representatives from Transition Year,Fifth year and Sixth year. Students are elected by their peers in their classrooms for Junior School or by Year Group for Senior Students. A ballot is held at the start of the school year and students with the most votes are elected. Student Council meetings are held once a month. An agenda is drawn up and minutes of each meeting are taken and forwarded on to management. Students are given the opportunity to make suggestions at meetings or to discuss issues arising for their class/year group. They are also asked to be involved in policy formation and have examined draft policies for the school. The Student Council is governed by a charter drawn up by the Irish Second Level Students’ Union (ISSU) which recognises that students from a diverse range of backgrounds are welcome in our school, awareness of other cultures is important and dignity and respect should be shown to all at all times. The functions of the student’s council include: reviewing policies, addressing student based needs, fundraising, assisting at school events etc. Recent accomplishments by the student council include the setting up of a chess-club, introduction of ISIC cards, a wheelchair basketball workshop, a workshop with Médecins Sans Frontières and donations to local charities through money raised by Non-Uniform days. |